Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Lovely and Talented...

she's holding a bird...I love her!


Ya'll, I just can't begin to tell you how much I love her.  She warms my soul with her sad songs.  Yes, sad songs.  I'm a sucker for them and I have a sneaking feeling she is too.  I can't tell you how many times I have played (on repeat) this song while driving somewhere.  It kills me every freakin' time!

If you didn't already know, I had the privilege of opening up for her last month.  It's actually a funny story.  A WEEK before the show I was sitting on my couch putting together my menu for the week and saw that Jill was playing at The Muse on Saturday.  So, I thought I would make a bunch of food and have people over for dinner and then walk down for the show.  Then I thought to myself "I wish I could open up for her, oh well.  Maybe if the opener cancels they'll call me, nah, that never happens."  Well, guess what?  Less than 24hours later - that all happen.  WEIRD!

 So I know a lot of you couldn't make the show cause it was really late notice.  BUT I wanted you to be able to hear (and see) some of my favorite parts of her set.  So, I searched for that particular show (which I call our show) on youtube.  And, what do you know?  Someone has actually posted videos from our show.  So, here ya go...

please, please, please go check her out!  You can buy her EP (which is fantastically beautiful) HERE!

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